TMLP Energy Portfolio
You know how the power gets to your home, but you may not know the source of that power. As one of the largest municipally-owned electric utilities in Massachusetts, our power mix is diverse, pairing carbon-free, renewable and traditional generation sources to keep our rates low and reliable throughout the year while being environmentally conscious. Currently, we are working towards a 100% carbon-free portfolio by 2050, which we are progressively achieving as we get closer to that point in time.
The charts below show the total energy that TMLP has received from various sources to provide to the customers. The first chart in Figure 1 represents a breakdown of the all the assets that we own directly or those for which we contractually own the output. We also sign “wholesale contracts” to lock in rates with wholesale suppliers, and lastly leave a portion open to ISO-NE’s wholesale energy market. The second chart in Figure 2 organizes only the carbon-free resources that were presented in the first chart.

- “Wholesale Contracts” and “ISO-NE” use wholesale market resources without specific fuel types identified in this chart.
- Most – but not all – of our carbon-free resources are accompanied with Renewable Energy Certificates.
- “Oil/Gas” are dual-fuel resources, though they are predominantly run on natural gas.

Figure 3 represents the total share of TMLP’s projected sales that are currently contracted (as of 3/14/2024) with carbon-free resources over the next few years. TMLP’s first regulatory obligation to hold carbon-free resources begins in 2030 with 50% of sales while retiring the environmental attributes, per the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standard (H.4553). TMLP has been carefully adding carbon-free resources to meet this obligation and may continue to add further. These percentages may change once we are actually in the year due to the variability of intermittent carbon-free resources.