Residential Home Energy Audit

The Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant is pleased to offer to our residential customers who own or rent a dwelling within our territory a Free Residential Energy Audit. In conjunction with Energy New England (ENE), the audits consist of two levels. The residential energy audit enables TMLP customers to achieve energy savings in the home through phone support from a qualified energy advisor and / or a comprehensive home energy audit.

First, questions regarding energy efficiency may be answered by calling the Energy Hotline at ENE: 1-888-772-4242. Through a discussion with an energy expert, the customer can obtain valuable information via the phone and through literature sent to their address.

Second, if necessary, a certified home energy professional will perform a comprehensive energy audit of the entire home’s energy use free of charge. The customer will receive a summary report of all energy usage as well as recommendations to conserve energy. The customer will also receive up to $50 of free energy savings materials installed on the premises by the auditor as an educational tool.

Complete ENE’s online intake form to start the scheduling process and they will email or call you with available appointment times. If you’re unable to complete the intake form, email ENE at or call 888-772-4242, and they assist you.

Click here for more information