Power Production:

TMLP generates its own power when ISO New England determines that electricity is needed to meet the real-time demand of the New England region and maintain an adequate reserve of resources. TMLP's Power Production Department's generating unit at the Cleary- Flood Station (Units 8 & 9) was on line 48% over the previous year.

Plans for the Unit 9 Major Outage, scheduled for fall 2013, were coordinated during 2012 and substantial time was spent on planning the outage, and preparing and receiving bids for work required. The work will include the inspection and repairs to the plants major equipment. Also, the Cleary Unit # 8 & 9 NPDES (water quality) permit update application was prepared and is scheduled to be submitted to the EPA in 2013.

Additional work included:

Work on a new impervious containment system for the # 8 Fuel Oil Tank continued, and adjacent area was cleared clearing and ground materials inside the containment were updated to form an impervious barrier. A drainage system was installed from the containment area for a new oil water separator and drainage pond.

The design for a new roof for the Unit 9 main building was started and design documents obtained. Bids and applicable sub-bids for construction were received in July, and in August, and construction started in the fall/winter. Construction continued into Spring 2013 with the delivery and installation of the new roof vents.

The spirit of TMLP's Generation Department, and TMLP as a whole, was dimmed on November 1, 2012 with the passing of Bill Nickerson, TMLP's Power Production Manager. Bill's sudden death left a void that will be hard to fill. His enthusiasm and his love for his family, and TMLP, were extraordinary. The contributions in the recap of the Generation department are a testament to his dedication to TMLP, its future and its customers.


TMLP is focused on its mission to protect the environment and the health and safety of customers and staff. During the year, TMLP was involved in several projects that are important to meeting our customer needs. This included the decommissioning of Station 13 and the upgrade of Station 3 Oak Street, Taunton, and the demolition and remediation of the West Water Street generating station. The West Water Street facility was once home to generation units 2 through 7, the station produced much of TMLP's power, beginning in the early 1900s through the late 1970s.

TMLP continually monitors, trains staff and updates its policies and procedures to assure compliance with the environmental regulations and ensuring the safety of TMLP staff and customers.